Friday, June 24, 2011

Hello, world!

Hello, everyone!

A professor in a Communications class I took last semester suggested I create a blog because "it's the next big thing for digital communications." So, here we are - Annie's World: a collection of random thoughts, ideas, and writing experiments to be enjoyed by all.

I'll be honest - this could easily turn into an outlet for me to rave about the greatest football club in the world - Tottenham Hotspurs FC. How did someone from Idaho become a die-hard fan of an English soccer club? My dad was born and raised in the heart of North London and practically has the motto "To Dare is to Do" etched onto his heart; this passion has been passed onto me.

For those who don't know about the Spurs, I'll leave you with this video. It's a highlight from a UEFA Champions League clash between the Spurs and the previous year's champions (Inter Milan - wusses). The guy who (spoiler alert) scores the goal is Gareth Bale, a Welsh dreamboat who could very well be the next big thing in English soccer. If you'd like to see really cool version of the above video, click here.

Anyway, thanks for reading this. I hope to post once or twice a week, so if you're looking for frequent insights into the wonderful world of English soccer this blog will provide fulfillment.

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